100 Days of UX sketching

sketch interface design elements for 100 days Jennifer Blatz UX Design
My first day of accepting the challenge to sketch interface design elements for 100 days.

I have accepted the challenge: sketchingforux100

What is this?
  • You get emailed 3 interface design concepts that you are to sketch every day.

Why am I doing this?

  • I need to sketch more. It’s a skill I seem intimidated by, and therefore tend to avoid. But forcing myself to do it once a day, or in this case, 3 times a day, I am hoping to build confidence in my sketching abilities.
  • It’s fun. It’s low investment and it takes me back to my drawing abilities of my youth.
  • It’s a challenge. And I am always up for a challenge.
  • It’s not time consuming. I like that it’s lightweight and not a high commitment. I am hoping that such a small commitment can be handled with ease.
  • I want to be able to have more instinctive design solutions. Perhaps having to draw an idea on the spot will help me develop this design gut instinct.
  • Why not? It need to push myself in the area of interaction design, so this is a great start.

Want to join me in this challenge? Just sign up for Krisztina Szerovay’s weekly newsletter and daily UX sketching prompts at her website: https://sketchingforux.com. I will post my sketches here from time to time to show my progress. I hope to get stronger in my concepts as the days go by.

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