Tag Archives: 500

Personal milestone: 500 twitter followers

Jennifer Blatz UX Design has 500 followers on twitter

I am very excited to announce that I have reached a great milestone. I have accumulated 500+ followers on Twitter. I know that there are millions of other people that have a much, much larger number of supporters. I won’t attempt to compare myself to their accomplishments. But for little ol’ me, I am very please with having such a big number of followers.

I don’t tweet about what I am having for breakfast.

I don’t tweet about my political views of my favorite TV show.

I do tweet about UX design and digital trends. Considering that my niche is so very specific, I am very proud to have as many followers as I do. If you are interested in following me on Twitter too, please check out my Twitter account and start learning more about the UX world. Thank so much to all my followers. And thank you to those who I follow who provide such great content that I can “tweet forward.” It’s a great platform to learn from, and contribute to. Make Twitter work for you.