Tag Archives: business

Characteristics of high-converting CTA buttons

Here are the six characteristics of high-converting CTA buttons.

  1. They are buttons. Save your creativity for another occupation, like writing novels. Button up.
  2. They have compelling copy. Use verbs. And please, for the lost love of conversions, don’t use the word “submit.”
  3. They have logical placement. Eyes move in paths, not jumps. Put it where it will be seen.
  4. They use a contrasting color. Although I don’t advance the idea of toying with shades of gray or blue, or green, I happen to know that buttons with color contrast convert better.
  5. They have close proximity to the previous action. The mind and the pointer have a symbiotic relationship. Your CTA becomes part of that symbiosis as it moves directly into the cognitive and visual flow of the user.
  6. They don’t compete with other crap. If you want to purposely lose conversions by crowding out your CTA, go ahead. I, for one, advance the idea that the CTA should be king of the page.

More on the six characteristics of high-converting CTA buttons.