Tag Archives: buzzwords

UX Buzzwords: the same meaning?

Jennifer Blatz UX designer buzzword confusion

I attended a talk at BigD (the User experience design conference in Dallas) abut UX Buzzwords. The presentation was by Marti Gold, who is a energetic, snarky and colorful speaker. I love hearing Marti because she keeps it raw and real. She is also a fellow member of Ladies that UX Dallas.

Anyways, back to Marti’s talk, which she called “Buzzword Landmines: Ten Phrases That Can Undermine Your Best Ux Efforts.” Like I said before, Marti is a very entertaining speaker. And this presentation was no exception.

The gist of Marti’s speech was that when UX Designers use a buzzword or phrase, that might have a different meaning and interpretation by the business partner or product owner. In fact, ore often than not, the product owner does have a completely different idea of what your meaning of the buzzword is. The point of her talk was to avoid or stop using these buzzwords all together. So what are the dangerous, confusing UX words?

Here’s the list of UX buzzwords to avoid:

  • Iteration
  • Design thinking
  • UX
  • Disruptive
  • Content Strategy
  • Responsive
  • MVP
  • Brand standards
  • Challenges
  • Buy in