Tag Archives: user stories

UX Tidbit: Understand your user’s needs

user experience research cartoon Jennifer Blatz UX design

There are several ways that you can do a better job of understanding your user’s needs. Understanding what your user really wants starts with research. There are a variety of quick and easy research methods every UX designer can use to understand their users better.

  • Get users to complete a diary to give you insight in to their world.
  • Interview users to better understand the problem you are trying to solve. Make sure you are solving a real user problem.
  • Find the “job” people hire your “product” to do.
  • Ask for a story about the user’s context.
  • Have the user create a photographic “Day in the Life” of their work area to understand their environment more.
  • Learn “trigger” words. Trigger words are simply words used by the user. It might be useful to include some of those trigger words in your product or website. Speak the user’s language.