Tag Archives: Book

UXPIN’s Guide to wireframing free book

I came across a great resource the other day that I would like to share with you. UXPIN is a paid service for wireframing websites, tablet and mobile pages online. Though UXPIN is a paid resource, they do offer several valuable and FREE resources. One resource I would like to mention now is their free ebook “The Guide to Wireframing.

UXPIN's Guide to Wireframing ebook

Some of the resources I like in particular are:

  • The pros and cons of various wireframing techniques and software
  • Provided UI patterns and resources
  • Common UI trends in today’s most-used apps

Yes, it is kind of a pain to have to provide your email to get the book sent to you. But for the UI pattern aspect alone, I think it’s worth checking out. Enjoy.

Text book number 2: The Web Designer’s Roadmap

Well it’s official. I now have both text books for my “User Experience and Customer-Centered Design” certification class. I guess I’d better get off the computer and start reading my books for the course. The course lasts only three weeks, so I need to start reading ahead of time if I want to be on schedule.

The Web Designer's Roadmap
This is the second book for my CalState Fullerton course “User-Centered Design for Web and Mobile Interfaces.”

My First class textbook: ‘Mobile First’ by Luke Wroblewski

I received the first text book in the mail today for my first class at CalState Fullerton’s “User Experience and Customer-Centered Design” certificate program. I start my class in a couple of weeks, and I am very excited to be  learning a new topic. What is my first class?  User-Centered Design for Web and Mobile Interfaces.

Mobile First
‘Mobile First’ is my first text book for the CalState Fullerton User Experience certificate program I am enrolled in.