Tag Archives: ethnography

Peak-End Rule and User Experience Design

Have you ever interviewed a user, after the fact, about an experience and they had nothing but positive things to say about it? But you know that they struggled or had pain points along the way. This phenomenon has a name, and it’s known as peak–end rule.

What is the peak-end rule?

Peak-end rule is a phenomenon where people judge an experience largely based on how they felt at its peak. The peak is the most intense moment. In other words, they forget about all of the feelings and emotions they were experience throughout the entire event. And thy seem to just “remember” how they felt at the peak, whether that is good or bad. This model dictates that an event is not judged by the entirety of an experience, but by prototypical moments (or snapshots) as a result of the representativeness heuristic, according to Wikipedia.

Why does it happen?

The peak-end rule tends to happen more on emotional events, even though people are not usually aware of their motional involvement at the time.  Also, people tend to remember how things turned out overall. If they had final success in the process, then their memory is going to be more positive and they tend to forget about the struggles they had along the journey. People just tend to think more positively of themselves when they have accomplished something, and therefore forget the negative aspects. One way to think about this is, if people think too much about it, and focus on the pain they went through, then they are likely to feel that pain again. So perhaps this is a instinctive defense mechanism? Without obtaining a psychology degree, I will leave that question open for debate.

How can you avoid it in your research?

The best way I can think of avoiding the peak-end bias is to observe participants in real time instead of relying on their account of it after the fact. This is why ethnographic research is so important in User Experience design. People are not even aware of some of the actions they perform. But if you are there to observe them in person, you discover all sorts of nuggets in behavior the user might not be aware to share. When you observe a participant, you see things like pain points, struggles, repetition, redundancy, mistakes, hacks, work arounds, cheating, confusion and all sorts of gold nuggets of user behavior.

I have seen it time and time again, a participant is trying to complete a task, and the software or website they are using does not perform as expected. The participant is frustrated. Maybe she expresses a slight sigh in displeasuer. Maybe she even tries to accomplish the task in a different way. Maybe she concedes and relies on the “hack” she has created as a work around. When confronted on an obvious frustration, she makes comments like:

  • Oh what to you mean? Did I make a face? I didn’t even notice.
  • I always have to do this.
  • It’s no big deal, it’s just part of the job.

These comments are a tell-tale sign of actions that would likely not be reported in an interview after the fact.

The bottom line: Get out of the building and observe your user first hand. You will get much more context witnessing them in their environment rather than just “taking their word for it.” Observation is king!

UX Deliverables: Ethnographic observation

Jennifer Blatz UX design performs ethnographic research for the virtual travel sheet.
Understanding how users work in their natural environment will provide great insight in to your research.

Simply put, I love ethnographic research. I mean it when I say that this form of user research is probably the most valuable way to gain insight on your users and your product. And, unfortunately, it is far too often overlooked as time consuming or simply viewed as a waste of time. I could not disagree more!

First let’s define the term. According to Wikipedia, ethnography is:

 The systematic study of people and cultures. It is designed to explore cultural phenomena where the researcher observes society from the point of view of the subject of the study.

So how does this apply to UX and research? By observing your users in their natural habitat, you get exceedingly more information and context about their real world.

The benefits of ethnographic research for me include:

  • You see users use your product in a natural way, not in a fabricated lab setting
  • It provides context to their environment
  • You see things that you would never discover with a phone call or what the suer just tells you
  • You discover that what users say they do, and what they really do can often differ greatly
  • You see first hand the pain points that users are not aware that they have
  • You can observe true behaviors
  • You notice the environmental factors, like interruptions from c0-workers, slowness of equipment, and other physical attributes that affect the user
  • You have the opportunity to ask questions, on the spot, as circumstances arise
  • You can record aspects of the environment by taking photographs and video that could not be done remotely
  • You can establish a better rapport with your users
  • You can observe the entire context of the working environment, across rooms, buildings, people and other circumstances
  • It provides impromptu “bitch sessions” that the user would probably not normally share
  • It allows the user to feel like he/she is being heard
  • It allows you to be an “eye” for the other team members who are not able to view the user’s world
  • It gives the UX designer the best opportunity to really empathize with the user, by seeing how their work or life really is

Hopefully my reasons have given you enough understanding and reasoning to do your own ethnographic research. If you have your stories to share about ethnographic research, please do so in the comments.


Ethnographic research of tourists in Hollywood

First thing I wanted to do before tackling the Hollywood Walking Tour App was to observe how tourists do research or way find on the boulevard. I wanted to see how people navigated the area. As suspected, some tourists were holding up unfolded maps or looking at books. Some people were part of a larger tour group, being lead around by a hired guide. Some were standing to the side looking at a smart phone. Perhaps they were researching the area? And others were just wondering down the street checking out all of the starts on the sidewalk along the way.

Ethnographic study and observation of tourists in Los Angeles.  Jennifer Blatz Design
Ethnographic study and observation of tourists in Los Angeles.

Ethnographic research? Sure!

For the Hollywood Walking Tour app I am now developing, I thought it would be a great idea to go to one of Hollywood’s biggest tourist traps, I mean spots. I spent a couple of hours observing tourists and talking to them about their traveling experience. Specifically, I wanted to see how people navigated the streets (Did they use a map or guide book? Or were they just wandering aimlessly?) and find out how they researched their trip to Hollywood. Here are some observations I made:

Ethnography tourist in Hollywood 2014